Friday, June 12, 2009

Animation Making

Thinking back, it has only been a week, but we have learned so much already. Last night, I successfully uploaded my animation gif image to my web page. Even though it was a lot of work from looking for the image to filtering over 15 images using photoshop, then converting them to gif files, when it was done, I felt a great sense of an accomplishment. It was a lot of fun. I'm so glad I'm taking this course over the summer and since we go to class everyday, I'm learning new things everyday. It feels great to learn at this speed and put what we have learned to practice right away, it helps me remember and master it faster.
After I finished making my animation, I went and googgled animation. I found a bunch of other animations online and realized that all of the animation address ends with GIF at the end. This may sound kind of silly, but it was only then that I realized that all the animation files are gif files.
In addition, I have also discovered something new last night as I finished posting my animation. I wrote in my animation webpage that the animation may not show up in the FIREFOX browser and if it doesn't, then try to view the page using other browsers. Well, what booggled my mind is that it actually worked the first time I posted online (my defult browser), then when I tried to refresh the page using the refresh button, only the music restarts, the animation doesn't. So then I went a little further to investigate the problem. I tried using Internet Explorer and each time I refresh the page it worked fine. The problem seems to be firefox, so I thought maybe I'm missing some kind of plug-in or my firefox is outdated. I updated my firefox browser, but the problem still persist. Finally, I closed everything and opened firefox again and opened my animation page and it worked! It was then I realized that with firefox, you have to closed the entire browser and open it again to view. Just hitting the refresh button will not restart the animation. AHA, I have discovered the problem. However, I still don't know why it does that!
A little note about progress, for the past 2 days, starting with the music files and then the image files and now the animation files set up, I feel that the speed of setting those html pages up and just the nagivation process around everything and uploading the images and audio files has tremendously increased as opposed to the first 2 days. Practice really makes it perfect.

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