Saturday, June 27, 2009

1. Colleague Websites

This is Gregary's Homepage, I especially like the neon Cotton Club sign on the top. It is very eye catching to readers. The look and the content really caught my attention and made me want to read what this "cotton club" is about. I also like the image next to the description, the whole vintage look of it really fits well with the content. The music playing in the background is also very appropriate. I can tell that Greg has put a lot of thought into creating the homepage. Furthermore, the tech assignment page is very well organized and easy to navigate. It is created by using tables with very thick borders. Overall, I like all the choice of images and videos in your tech assigment page. My favorite link is your Project page. Very interesting and informative video in the project page. The korea map image link is also a great idea. Lastly, great group work on the Korea project webpage. Very nice table layout. Good Job!

This is Seung Eun's homepage. I really like the color, it's simple yet very pretty and pleasing to look at. In your introduction on the front page, you said you have two dogs named "Thank You" & "Very Much", is that for real?? I have a dog too, that's why i'm especially intrigued. haha I love the music background in your tech assignment page. It is the same music as the youtube video you showed us on Thursday during your group presentation with the hip pop dance and korean traditional instrument playing in the background. Seemingly two very incoherent things, but yet fits well and gives the listener a breath of fresh air. I also like your table demo page. The pictures are very cute. It seems like you have a pretty good grasp of how to use tables already. I still find it pretty difficult to use especially if I want to create more sophisticated looking ones. Good Job!

This is Alejandro Baez's Homepage. I really enjoy looking at your webpage. I love the moving fonts next to Welcome. How did you do that? I have been periodically checking out your website and have notice that you quite often make changes to the layouts of your pages. I just noticed today that you made many change to your tech assignment page. I love the variation of colors of each table box. The animation moving staff is so creative. The laughing baby is hilarious. I remember you playing it in class, that was really funny. I totally agree with what you said in your music concrete page about terrible singers can sound great after polishing and modification with a great music recording software. I have had first hand experience with that. I interned at a record label in China last year and have sat in professional recording studios and recorded some tracks myself in there. It was such an amazing experience. I sang and played my instrument in some of their tracks. I have to admit, even though I do have perfect pitch, while you are singing with the headphone, sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not you are singing in tune while singing. But afterwards when you listen to the playback, then you hear all the slightly out of tune notes. And sometimes it is just too much trouble going back and record it again, you can digitally tune the notes into the right pitch with some click of buttons. While it is a great tool, I do agree that some people do abuse it. I have heard some very terrible singers record in the studio, I mean completely out of tune! But if you listen to the end results, it sounds nothing like the rough track. A huge problem that exist right now in the music industry in China is lip-synching. I guess that's the big controversy with technology.


  1. Hi~
    Thank you for choosing my homepage! ^^
    I'm glad to hear that you have a dog too!! Why don't you post some pictures of your dog on your homepage! I tried to find the picture of your dog on your homepages but there were none..(T.T) and my dogs' name are Thank You & Very Much for real. People usually don't believe it though. ^^
    I love your tech assignment page. It looks very professional and unique. And I think you put nice images for each of the menu. I really like it. And you used pink color for all the pages which is my favorite! ^^
    Again, thank you for making comment for me and I wish you have a great summer with your dog!

  2. Yan - I love the violin photo on your homepage and the lilac background color of all your pages compliments all the imagery you posted. I was impressed by your use of tables on the homepage and the tech assignment page. Specifically, the tech page because you chose to use imagery for each category and even made an animation for the animation box. I loved the homage to the Statue of Liberty on your images page, the variety of manipulations, and the animation that you created from it. Your Literacy and Arts Page was pithy. Your Powerpoint on Literacy and Music was very impressive and the introductory quote by Jewel made me nostalgic for the 90's. I enjoyed working with you on Team Green and very much liked your presentation on YouTube.

  3. Hi~ buddy. I wrote about your webpage on my blog. Here is what I said:

    I have observed Jessica's website for four weeks. She is such a genius person. Every time I logged in her website, she easily posted the assignment right after the class. The most impressing thing is her Tech Assignment Page. Posting the picture matching with the subject is a great idea. Also, I like her movie. I almost forget how beautiful New York is. Because of living in New York or being busy life, it is easy to ignore the valuable thing around me in NY. I thinks her movie could be advertisement for NY visitors. I like her animation in the Tech Assignments Page rather than in her animation assignment page, the Statue of Liberty. It is just my personal opinion.
