Monday, June 8, 2009

First day of class

Today, I attended my first day of class for the summer. The course I'm taking is called tech resources for performing arts educators. I was actually 5 mins late to class because I got lost trying to find the location of the classroom. There were some major constructions going on outside and inside of the building and it was quit confusing for first timers. Luckily, I didn't miss too much. We went around the room and introduced ourselves one by one. I thought that was really nice. We all got to know a little bit about each other.
As the title of this course suggest, tech resources, it focuses on the use of tehnology in relationship to education. The most important tool and probably one we today cannot live without, the computer. Not only is it a great tool but a gateway to reach an unlimited amount of resources in a matter of a click. It is what we called the world wide web. As Dr. Gilbert mentioned how essential the WWW is today, not only for educational use but gave each individual it's own stage to shine on. Blogging is a great example of that. It's like a diary, only it's more public. It's a great communication tool as well. It lets your friends and family know the things that are going on in your life no matter how far they are.
One interesting story I would like to share is about a youtube audition. I entered the music education master's program in Spring semester so everything was kind of out of sequence. I was at the time in Pittsburgh and once I got my acceptance letter from NYU, I emailed my advisor on how to register for classes. We then pretty much did the whole advicement deal through email. It must've been 30 emails back and forth in total. I told her I wanted to take chamber music, so then she emailed the head of the strings department. Eventually, I got hold of the head of the strings through email and she asked me if I could go over to NYU on that day with my instrument and audition. Of course, she did not know that I didn't live in NY. So I told her that was not possible. She then asked if I could mail her a CD or DVD of me playing (preferably a past recital) So I did exactly what she told me to do. Mailed her a CD with 3 audio only files. She emailed me back and said that she couldn't play the files on her computer. At this point, it was only 2 days before she had to finalize the chamber groups for the coming spring semester. It was cutting really close. But suddenly it hit me. About a year ago, just for fun, I had uploaded all three pieces of my recital on youtube just to see if it would work. I went on youtube and checked if it was still there, sure enough, it was. So then I immediately emailed the links of all three videos to her and hoped that that would be okay with her. She wrote back right away and said that it was great. I ended up playing in a Bartok quartet.

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